Thursday, April 24, 2008

There's a new "kid" on the block.

Well that is not true at all is it, the kid is not a kid at all, he's adult, in his prime and with a brighter future than ever.

It seems the talk of the town more than ever before is synchronisation. Well "D'oh"!

I've posted this comment below to this article:

"Syncronization is the demand. Domino replication is the technology. Lotus Domino time tested solution called replication is somehow overlooked in this article. Lotus with support for muliple os'es client types are decades ahead of Microsoft.

Read more about the "new" software offering from IBM here"

We'll see if the comment gets posted or not. It has to be approved the site artice author...

Thomas Bahn as Assono should get a job at IBM marketing :-) Read this.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Skinn for Lotus notes!!


Vi alle har vel lekt med skinns tenker jeg. Hvem husker vel ikke de dager Winamp ble smykket med diverse lekre layouts? Her kunne vi jo leke oss med skins av biler, favorittband og eh.. lettkledde damer.

Skinns har nå tatt veien til Lotus Notes klienten. Hvor nyttig det er kan diskuteres, men for en kort periode så øker Lotus Geek faktoren for dem som måtte ha fått til dette. Bare se..

Du kan lese mer om dette her.

Go on waste Your time!!